
Top five tips for returning to school as a mature student - Career Fair Canada

Written by Admin | Apr 9, 2018 9:40:00 AM

Returning to school after a layoff or career change is an intimidating prospect – but there are ways to minimize the pressure before you step foot into class.

With all the support CDI College offers for mature students, you’ll be able to accomplish your goals and train for a new career – usually in less than a year!

Here are CDI College’s Top 5 Tips for Returning to School as a Mature Student:

  1. Make a budget. Since you’ll be going to school full-time, ensure you have your essential needs covered – tuition, food, shelter, childcare, transportation – because you may have to scale back hours at work to focus on your training.

  2. Research your new career. Before jumping head-first into a career training program, take time to evaluate where you want to be in your career. Speak to people in the field to gain an understanding for their day-to-day tasks and responsibilities and meet with a CDI College admissions representative to help figure out what path is best for you.

  3. Pace yourself. For many second-career learners, returning to school can be overwhelming. Work at a pace you are comfortable with to avoid early burnout.

  4. Talk to your instructors and fellow students. Instructors at CDI College are an invaluable resource you can reach out to at any time. They are professionals in their field and will be able to answer any questions or concerns. Your classmates will likely be in similar situations so you can lean on each other for support.

  5. Meet with CDI College Career Services. Our career services professionals are trained to assist you with any questions or concerns you have about your new career. They can also help with resume writing and interview preparation as you near graduation. You can also drop in any time for up to six months for assistance after you graduate!

For a limited time, CDI College is offering scholarships for a number of programs if you start before April 30th! Head to or call 1.877.658.4045 to get started today.