
Top 5 ways to choose your career - Career Fair Canada

Written by Admin | Sep 3, 2019 10:24:00 AM

1. Follow Your Passion When the majority of your time is spent “working,” why wouldn’t you want to do what you love? When you follow your passion, going to work doesn’t have to feel tedious or boring (for the most part!) Can you imagine the feeling of being excited to wake up and get dressed for work each morning?

2. Research, Research, and More Research Before selecting the career that you’re most passionate about, make sure to do your research. Determine what the job actually entails: the good, the glorious, and the not-so-exciting parts. Every job has its dull or excruciating tasks, so it’s wise to conduct your research to ensure you’re prepared to enter this field of work.

3. Determine Wage & Employment Rates Following your passion isn’t always about money, but when selecting a career that is best-suited to help you achieve your life goals, salary plays a crucial role. There may come a time when you need to rely on income to support family obligations or take a much-needed vacation to satisfy work-life balance, so it’s important to feel financially comfortable and stable in the line of work you’ve chosen. or are great resources for determining hourly wages, job outlooks, and average employment rates.

4. Conduct Informational Interviews with Industry Professionals This is why networking is so important. The more contacts you have in the industry, the more you can learn and utilize your connections when you’re ready enter the workforce. Before selecting your career, it is extremely beneficial to speak with someone who is currently in that line of work and can offer you firsthand knowledge of the role, the benefits and drawbacks, the workplace culture, and more.

5. Attend Provincial Workshop Day at a Reeves College Campus For when you still have no idea on what you want to do, Reeves College is here to help. On Thursday, August 22nd from 6:00-8:00pm, Reeves College is offering a Provincial Workshop Day — at all five campuses across Alberta — where you will be introduced to the exciting fields of Accounting & Payroll Administration, Acupuncture, Hospitality Management, and more. Participate in budgeting workshops, get your blood pressure checked, or take part in a front desk simulation activity, where you learn the crucial role of guest services in hospitality. The opportunities are endless, make sure to drop by!

Get all the details on what’s happening at or call 1.800.281.4649.