
Graduated but cant find a job? Here are a few tips that can help - Career Fair Canada

Written by Admin | Aug 12, 2019 10:12:00 AM

Landing that first full-time job in your field can be tough and may take longer than we’d like. But you don’t need to sit around waiting – there are plenty of ways to boost your resume while gaining valuable life experience.

Working an internship or other work opportunities that may not be in your field- is a great way to earn money and receive references. 

If travelling is on your bucket list after graduating, why not travel while getting work experience. International Experience Canada is a Government of Canada program that offers people ages 18 to 35, you can explore Australia, France or another of more than 30 partner countries while gaining valuable international work experience.

Sometimes a career can come from where we least expect it, so devoting some time and energy to a hobby can take you in an unexpectedly positive direction. Love photography? Interested in graphic design? Maybe you can work on these hobbies and build a successful side-hustle or eventually turn it into a full-time job and small business. And these types of passion projects are great for doing at home or abroad if travel is calling your name.

Learning never ends! In today’s competitive and rapidly evolving world, it’s important to keep up and continue to acquire new skills. Fortunately, you don’t always have to go back to school to get a new degree or certificate to stay ahead of the curve. There are plenty of free and low-cost programs on everything from coding to languages offered through libraries, community centres and e-learning departments at major universities.

Find more information on work and travel abroad at

Source - NewsCanada